real important. What matters is that you’re
trying to keep in touch with those who left
because you consider them to be good
employees. This promotional piece can also
be distributed to existing employees. They’ll
enjoy seeing and reading what their friends
who left in the downsizing are receiving.
You might even want to consider sending this
promotional piece out to your key customers.
Remember, if you share information, you are
perceived as being open and honest. If you do
not share information, it is assumed that you’re
holding something back.
Here are several suggestions to make your
organization more appealing as a place to return
to. We’ve mentioned some of these in other parts
of this book as well.
1. Explain your rationale for the cut.
When you downsize, be ready to share
information. You need to explain to the
people who exit and the people who remain
why you’re making employee cuts, why that’s
the most feasible way to reduce costs, and
what you hope to gain from it. If you can’t
explain why the cuts will make your organiza-
tion more viable, then perhaps the downsizing
is not your solution or you’ve focused on the
wrong problem.
The Manager’s Pocket Guide to Downsizing with Confidence
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