3. Nu Hypotheses And Alternative Hypotheses
Your story
reminded me that
there was puing
in the fridge.
I’m glad it
wasnt stolen.
I said that you
must always set up
a nu hypothesis
and alternative
When you do a
hypothesis test.
Yeah, but what are the
nu hypothesis and
alternative hypothesis?
You said that you
would explain
later, but so far no
explanation has bn
I must confe that it is
quite diicult to explain
these two hypotheses
170 Chapter 7
Examples of Hypothesis Tests
Tests of difference
between population ratios
Name Example of use
Tests of
Tests of
correlation ratio
Tests of
Tests of difference
between population means
Estimates whether the value of the Cramers coefficient for sex and
desired way of being asked out is zero for a population
Estimates whether the value of the correlation ratio for favorite fashion
brand and age is zero for a population
Estimates whether the correlation coefficient for amount spent on
makeup and amount spent on clothes is zero for a population
Estimates whether allowances are different between high school girls
in Tokyo and Osaka
Note that two populations are being considered.
Estimates whether the approval rating of cabinet X is different between
voters residing in urban areas and rural areas
So this is what
I’ do...
I wi explain what kind
of hypotheses should be
used as nu and alternative
hypotheses, instead of
what nu and alternative
hypotheses are.
Remember this
table I showed
you earlier?
I wi explain
using the
examples in this
Yes, I do
Let’s Explore the Hypothesis Tests 171
Tests of independence
Null hypothesis The Cramer’s coefficient for sex and desired way of being asked out is 0 for a
Alternative hypothesis The Cramers coefficient for sex and desired way of being asked out is greater
than 0 for a population.
Tests of coelation ratio
Null hypothesis The correlation ratio for favorite fashion brand and age is 0 for a population.
Alternative hypothesis The correlation ratio for favorite fashion brand and age is greater than 0 for a
Tests of coelation
Null hypothesis The correlation coefficient for amount spent on makeup and amount spent on
clothes is 0 for a population.
Alternative hypothesis The correlation coefficient for amount spent on makeup and amount spent on
clothes is not 0 for a population.
The correlation coefficient for amount spent on makeup and amount spent on
clothes is greater than 0 for a population.
The correlation coefficient for amount spent on makeup and amount spent on
clothes is less than 0 for a population.
172 Chapter 7
Tests of dierence betwn population means
Null hypothesis The allowances of high school girls in Tokyo and Osaka are the same.
Alternative hypothesis The allowances of high school girls in Tokyo and Osaka are not the same.
The allowances of high school girls in Tokyo are larger than those of high school
girls in Osaka.
The allowances of high school girls in Tokyo are smaller than those of high school
girls in Osaka.
Tests of dierence betwn population ratios
Null hypothesis The approval ratings of cabinet X for voters residing in urban areas and rural
areas are the same.
Alternative hypothesis The approval ratings of cabinet X for voters residing in urban areas and rural
areas are not the same.
The approval rating of cabinet X for voters residing in urban areas is higher than
that of voters residing in rural areas.
The approval rating of cabinet X for voters residing in urban areas is lower than
that of voters residing in rural areas.
Let’s Explore the Hypothesis Tests 173

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