40 Chapter 1 Is Earth the Center ofthe Universe?
A Heliocentric Model Was Proposed 2,300 Years Ago
The Grk scholar Aristarchus,
whowas born in the third century BC
(the era after Aristole), first tried to
explain the universe with a geocentric
th eo ry.
Aristarchus (about 310–230 BC)
Ancient Grk astronomer and
However, as he continued
to make observations,
this theory smed to
have one problem...
He noticed that the
waxing and waning of
the Mn oued
because of the angle of
the light from the Sun.
What do
you mean?
Like this!!!
Stop it!
For example, when
there is a half mn,
the Sun is shining
from a location that
is aroximatel

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