
Works cited

Baca, M., Harpring, P., Lanzi, E., McRae, L., Whiteside, A.B. Cataloging Cultural Objects: A guide to describing cultural works and their images. Chicago: ALA Editions; 2006.

Baca, M. CCO and CDWA Lite: "Complementary data content and data format standards for art and material culture information,". VRA Bulletin. 2007; 34(1):69–75.

Beacom, M. Cataloging Cultural Objects (CCO), Resource Description and Access (RDA), and the future of metadata content. VRA Bulletin. 2007; 34(1):81–85.

Boughida, K.B. "CDWA Lite for Cataloguing Cultural Objects (CCO): A new XML schema for the cultural heritage community, " in Association for History and Computing, Humanities, computers and cultural heritage. Proceedings of the XVI International ...

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