Getting Started
Changing your life will take effort, perseverance, and time. Most people spend 20 to 30 years messing up their lives. They overeat, overdrink, don't save for the future, don't learn new skills, let their minds cease up, and then hope life will change without them lifting a finger.
The truth is that success and riches come to those who take action and then put in the hours. A steady amount of effort is far better than a short burst and then nothing. It is a fact that the only way to lose weight is by a steady diet, and not a get-slim-quick regime. The old Chinese proverb, “A journey of a million miles begins with one step,” is very true in these circumstances. Take your time, but take that first step.
Making money and increasing the quality of your life is similar to being on a diet. You'll have high points and low points, but the key is to keep going and not give up.
Tiny Steps Lead to Massive Leaps
Success normally comes, not from one big change or action, but from lots of small successes that build into a big success. Remember this as you work through the book. Steps that may seem stupid, pointless, and meaningless on their own will combine to make massive leaps forward in your life.
Imagine a brick. A brick on its own is not very exciting, stylish, or useful, but when thousands or millions of bricks are put together, they create amazing buildings.
You often hear a famous actor called an overnight success, but the truth is, there is no such thing. I know many ...