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For undergraduate and graduate-level business courses that cover the skills of negotiation.
Delve into the mind and heart of the negotiator in order to enhance negotiation skills.
The Mind and Heart of the Negotiator is dedicated to negotiators who want to improve their ability to negotiate—whether in multimillion-dollar business deals or personal interactions. This text provides an integrated view of what to do and what to avoid at the bargaining table, facilitated by an integration of theory, scientific research, and practical examples.
This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience–for you and your students. Here's how:
- Provide Students with Practical Real-World Examples: Each chapter opens with a case study that illustrates a real business situation.
- Offer In-Depth Information on Business Negotiation Skills: This text provides practical take-away points for the manager and executive on integrative negotiation and contains a series of hands-on principles that have been proven to increase the value of negotiated deals.
- Keep your Course Current and Relevant: New examples, exercises, and statistics appear throughout the text.
Table of contents
- The Mind and Heart of the Negotiator
- Brief Contents
- Contents
- Preface
- About the Author
Part I:
Essentials of Negotiation
- 1 Negotiation: The Mind and the Heart
Preparation: What to Do Before Negotiation
- What Do I Want?
- What Is My Alternative to Reaching Agreement in This Situation?
- Determine Your Reservation Point
- Be Aware of Focal Points
- Beware of Sunk Costs
- Do Not Confuse Your Target Point with Your Reservation Point
- Identify the Issues in the Negotiation
- Identify the Alternatives for Each Issue
- Identify Equivalent Multi-Issue Proposals
- Assess Your Risk Propensity
- Endowment Effects
- Am I Going to Regret This?
- Violations of the Sure Thing Principle
- Do I Have an Appropriate Level of Confidence?
- Other Assessment
Situation Assessment
- Is the Negotiation One Shot, Long Term, or Repetitive?49
- Do the Negotiations Involve Scarce Resources, Ideologies, or Both?
- Is the Negotiation One of Necessity or Opportunity?
- Is the Negotiation a Transaction or Dispute?
- Are Linkage Effects Present?60
- Is Agreement Required?62
- Is it Legal to Negotiate?
- Is Ratification Required?66
- Are Time Constraints or Other Time-Related Costs Involved?67
- Are Contracts Official or Unofficial?
- Where Do the Negotiations Take Place?
- Are Negotiations Public or Private?84
- Is Third-Party Intervention a Possibility?87
- What Conventions Guide the Process of Negotiation (Such as Who Makes the First Offer)?
- Do Negotiations Involve More Than One Offer?
- Do Negotiators Communicate Explicitly or Tacitly?
- Is There a Power Differential Between Parties?
- Is Precedent Important?
- Conclusion
Distributive Negotiation: Slicing the Pie
- The Bargaining Zone
Pie-Slicing Strategies
- Strategy 1: Assess Your BATNA and Improve It
- Strategy 2: Determine Your Reservation Point, but do not reveal It
- Strategy 3: Research the Other Party’s BATNA and Estimate Their Reservation Point
- Strategy 4: Set High Aspirations (Be Realistic but Optimistic)
- Strategy 5: Make the First Offer (If You Are Prepared)
- Strategy 6: Immediately Reanchor if the Other Party Opens First
- Strategy 7: Plan Your Concessions
- Strategy 8: Support Your Offer with Facts
- Strategy 9: Appeal to Norms of Fairness
- Strategy 10: Do Not Fall for the “Even Split” Ploy
- Most Commonly Asked Questions
- Saving Face
- The Power of Fairness
- Wise Pie Slicing
- Conclusion
Win-Win Negotiation: Expanding the Pie
- What is Win-Win Negotiation?
- Telltale Signs of Win-Win Potential
- Most Common Pie-Expanding Errors
- Most Commonly Used Win-Win Strategies
Effective Pie-Expanding Strategies
- Perspective Taking
- Ask Questions About Interests and Priorities
- Reveal Information About Your Interests and Priorities
- Unbundle the Issues
- Logrolling and Value-added Trade-offs
- Make Package Deals, Not Single-Issue Offers
- Make Multiple Offers of Equivalent Value Simultaneously
- Structure Contingency Contracts by Capitalizing on Differences
- Presettlement Settlements (PreSS)
- Search for Postsettlement Settlements
- A Strategic Framework for Reaching Integrative Agreements
- Conclusion
Part II:
Advanced Negotiation Skills
5 Developing a Negotiating Style
- Motivational Orientation
Interests, Rights, and Power Model of Disputing
- Assessing Your Approach
- Strategic Issues Concerning Approaches
- Emotions and Emotional Knowledge
- Conclusion
Establishing Trust and Building a Relationship
- The People Side of Win-Win
Trust as the Bedrock of Relationships
- Three Types of Trust in Relationships
- Building Trust: Rational and Deliberate Mechanisms
- Building Trust: Psychological Strategies
- What Leads to Mistrust?
Repairing Broken Trust
- Step 1: Arrange a Personal Meeting
- Step 2: Put the Focus on the Relationship
- Step 3: Apologize
- Step 4: Let Them Vent
- Step 5: Do Not Get Defensive
- Step 6: Ask for Clarifying Information
- Step 7: Test Your Understanding
- Step 8: Formulate a Plan
- Step 9: Think About Ways to Prevent a Future Problem
- Step 10: Do a Relationship Checkup
- Reputation
- Relationships in Negotiation
- Conclusion
Power, Gender, and Ethics
- Power
- Gender
- Ethics
- Conclusion
Creativity and Problem Solving in Negotiations
- Creativity in Negotiation
- Creative Negotiation Agreements
- Threats to Effective Problem Solving and Creativity
- Techniques for Enhancing Creative Negotiation Agreements
- Conclusion
5 Developing a Negotiating Style
Part III:
Applications and Special Scenarios
9 Multiple Parties, Coalitions, and Teams
Analyzing Multiparty Negotiations
- Key Challenges of Multiparty Negotiations
Strategies for Successful Multiparty Negotiations
- Know Who Will Be at the Table
- Manage the Information and Systematize Proposal Making
- Brainstorm Options
- Develop and Assign Process Roles
- Stay at the Table
- Strive for Equal Participation
- Allow for Some Points of Agreement, Even If Only on Process
- Avoid the “Equal Shares” Bias
- Avoid the Agreement Bias
- Avoid Sequential Bargaining
- Coalitions
Principal-Agent Negotiations
- Disadvantages of Agents
Strategies for Working Effectively with Agents
- Shop Around
- Know Your BATNA Before Meeting with Your Agent
- Communicate Your Interests to Your Agent Without Giving Away Your BATNA
- Capitalize on the Agent’s Expertise
- Tap into Your Agent’s Sources of Information
- Agent Networks
- Discuss Ratification
- Use Your Agent to Help Save Face
- Use Your Agent to Buffer Emotions
- Constituent Relationships
- Team Negotiation
- Intergroup Negotiation
- Conclusion
Analyzing Multiparty Negotiations
Cross-Cultural Negotiation
- Learning About Cultures
- Cultural Values and Negotiation Norms
- Key Challenges of Intercultural Negotiation
- Predictors of Success in Intercultural Interactions
Advice for Cross-Cultural Negotiations
- Anticipate Differences in Strategy and Tactics That May Cause Misunderstandings
- Cultural Perspective Taking
- Recognize That the Other Party May Not Share Your View of What Constitutes Power
- Avoid Attribution Errors
- Find Out How to Show Respect in the Other Culture
- Find Out How Time is Perceived in the Other Culture
- Know Your Options for Change
- Conclusion
Social Dilemmas
- Social Dilemmas in Business
- The Prisoner’s Dilemma
- Ultimatum Dilemma
- Dictator Game
- Trust Game
- Volunteer Dilemma
- Multiparty Dilemmas
- Escalation of Commitment
- Conclusion
- 12 Negotiating Via Information Technology
9 Multiple Parties, Coalitions, and Teams
- Appendix 1 Are You a Rational Person? Check Yourself
- Appendix 2 Nonverbal Communication and Lie Detection
- Appendix 3 Third-Party Intervention
- Appendix 4 Negotiating a Job Offer
- Name Index
- Subject Index
Product information
- Title: The Mind and Heart of the Negotiator, Sixth Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: August 2014
- Publisher(s): Pearson
- ISBN: 9780133571776
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