RANDOM NUMBERS Choice of modulus


Consider MMIX as an example. We can compute y mod m by putting y and m in registers and dividing y by m using the instruction ‘DIV t,y,m’; y mod m will then appear in register rR. But division is a comparatively slow operation, and it can be avoided if we take m to be a value that is especially convenient, such as the word size of our computer.

Let w be the computer’s word size, namely 2e on an e-bit binary computer. The result of an addition and multiplication is usually given modulo w. Thus, the following program computes the quantity (aX + c) mod w efficiently:

MULUx,x,aX aX mod w.(1)
ADDUx,x,cX (X + c) mod w.    

The result appears in register x. The code uses arithmetic ...

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