gossiping negatively about the boss around the water cooler: such gossip
travels fast and in the wrong direction
failing to follow the company line or policy
trying to shift the blame for a problem onto the boss
failing to speak up in support of the boss when the boss is in a tight situation
hiding bad news from the boss, who only finds out about it by accident (in a
meeting with the CEO, for instance): maximum embarrassment and the boss
looks out of control.
You do not have to be a ‘yes-man. Stand up to your boss and argue, in private so
that you do not cause loss of face in public.
ten stePs to a good cV
I have had the doubtful pleasure of sifting through several thousand CVs, look-
ing for the people we need to interview. You need your CV to stand out. You are
only as good as you appear on your CV.
Ten rules for a good CV
1 Follow the format. If the employer wants your information in a certain way,
provide it that way. If you cannot be bothered to format your experience, the employer
will not be bothered to interview you.
2 Avoid mistakes of substance, style, fact, grammar, spelling and layout. A sloppy
CV makes for a very easy decision: goodbye. Check, check and check again before
submitting your CV. Ideally, get a friend or trusted colleague to check it as well.
3 Focus on your achievements, not on your responsibilities. Even the toilet
cleaners have fancy titles nowadays. Titles do not impress: what counts is what you
have done.
4 Be positive. We all have setbacks and failures: they may come out in interview. The
CV is where you present your best face to get the interview. And never be negative
about a previous employer: if you are the sort of employee who whines about
employers, you will be toxic to all employers.

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