97. Bitcoin exchange rates

Various online services provide APIs for checking bitcoin market prices and exchange rates. A service that you can use for free is available at https://blockchain.info/ticker. A GET HTTP request returns a JSON object with the market price for various currencies. Documentation for the API can be found at: https://blockchain.info/api/exchange_rates_api. An excerpt from such a JSON object is shown here:

{   "USD": {      "15m": 8196.491155299998,      "last": 8196.491155299998,      "buy": 8196.491155299998,      "sell": 8196.491155299998,      "symbol": "$"   },   "GBP": {      "15m": 5876.884158350099,      "last": 5876.884158350099,      "buy": 5876.884158350099,      "sell": 5876.884158350099,      "symbol": "£"   }}

There are various libraries that you can use for transferring ...

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