16. Proper divisors

An obvious method for finding the proper divisors of the number N is to consider all of the values between 1 and N/2 and see which ones divide into N evenly. The following method takes this approach:

// Examine values between 1 and number / 2.private List<long> Method1(long number){    checked    {        List<long> divisors = new List<long>();        long limit = number / 2;        for (long factor = 1; factor <= limit; factor++)        {            if (number % factor == 0)                divisors.Add(factor);        }        return divisors;    }}

This method is straightforward, but it can be slow if the number is large. For example, if the number is 10 billion, then the method must examine 5 billion values.

In contrast, the prime factoring algorithms described earlier in this chapter only needed ...

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