The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp (2019)

Video description

JavaScript is the most popular programming language in recent times but learning it may seem challenging without the right guidance. You may end up wasting time on out-of-date courses and incomplete YouTube tutorials that talk about JavaScript features without effectively demonstrating how to use them for building real-world applications. Sounds familiar?

The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp (2019) starts with the basics and gradually builds on your knowledge of the JavaScript language. You'll not only learn the features of the language, but also how to use those features together to develop a complete application.

As you progress, you’ll cover modern ES6 and ES7 JavaScript features used in the real world. Next, you’ll build three JavaScript applications, before going on to discovering the 80 challenges designed to help you get started with writing code, adding app features, and solving different problems. You’ll then be equipped with the skills you need to launch an application, right from the first line of code through to completion.

Enrolling in this course will even prepare you for the JavaScript Specialist certification. This certification will qualify you to help companies, brands, and development firms with creating high-quality website code. All along, you’ll also brush up on the information from the Framework Course Guide.

By the end of this course, you will be well-versed with JavaScript and have developed the skills you need to confidently build your own applications.

What You Will Learn

  • Gain useful insights into how JavaScript works
  • Explore the latest cutting-edge features from ES6 and ES7
  • Test your skills and build your confidence by completing over 80 coding challenges


This course is for anyone who wants to launch an application via JavaScript, switch careers, or simply freelance as a JavaScript developer. You will also find this course helpful if you’re looking to start a career in coding or just create websites for fun.

About The Author

Andrew Mead: Andrew Mead - A Full-stack Developer & Teacher

Andrew is a full-stack developer living in beautiful Philadelphia! He launched his first course in 2014 and had a blast teaching and helping others. Since then, he has launched 3 courses with over 110,000 students and over 18,000 5-star reviews. He currently teaches JavaScript, React, and Node. Before he ever thought about teaching, he created a web app development company. He has helped companies of all sizes launch production web applications to their customers. He had the honor of working with awesome companies like Siemens, Mixergy, and Parkloco. He had a Computer Science degree from Temple University, and I've been programming for just over a decade. I love creating, programming, launching, learning, teaching, and biking. He can't wait to see you inside one of my courses!

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Course Overview
    1. Welcome!
    2. Grab the PDF Guide
  2. Chapter 2 : Building Out Our App
    1. Section Intro: Setting up Your Computer
    2. Installing Visual Studio Code
    3. Installing Node.js
    4. [Windows Only] Install cmder
    5. Introduction to the Terminal
    6. Hello JavaScript!
  3. Chapter 3 : JavaScript Basics: Variables and Flow Control
    1. Section Intro: JavaScript Basics
    2. Strings and Variables
    3. Numbers
    4. More on Variables
    5. Build a Temperature Converter
    6. Booleans and Comparison Operators
    7. If Statements
    8. Advanced If Statements
    9. Logical "And" and "Or" Operators
    10. Variable Scope: Part I
    11. Variable Scope: Part II
  4. Chapter 4 : JavaScript Functions
    1. Section Intro: JavaScript Functions
    2. Function Basics
    3. Undefined and Null
    4. Multiple Arguments and Argument Defaults
    5. Function Scope
    6. Template Strings
    7. Build a Grade Calculator
  5. Chapter 5 : JavaScript Objects
    1. Section Intro: JavaScript Objects
    2. Object Basics
    3. Using Objects with Functions
    4. Object References
    5. Build an Expense Tracker
    6. Methods
    7. Exploring String Methods
    8. Exploring Number Methods
    9. Constant Variables
    10. Bonus: Variables with var
  6. Chapter 6 : Arrays
    1. Section Intro: JavaScript Arrays
    2. Array Basics
    3. Manipulating Arrays with Methods
    4. Looping Over Arrays
    5. The For Loop
    6. Searching Arrays: Part I
    7. Searching Arrays: Part II
    8. Filtering Arrays
    9. Sorting Arrays
    10. Improve Our Expense Tracker
  7. Chapter 7 : Javascript in the Browser
    1. Section Intro: Javascript in the Browser
    2. Setting up a Web Server
    3. JavaScript in the Browser
    4. DOM Manipulation
    5. DOM Challenge
    6. Adding Elements via the DOM
    7. Handling User Interaction
    8. Advanced Queries
    9. Text Inputs and Live Data Filtering
    10. Rendering Our Filtered Data
    11. Todo Filter Challenge
    12. Working With Forms
    13. Checkboxes
    14. Dropdowns
  8. Chapter 8 : Data Storage, Libraries, and More
    1. Section Intro: Data Storage, Libraries, and More
    2. Saving Our Data in LocalStorage: Part I
    3. Saving Our Data in LocalStorage: Part II
    4. Splitting up Our Application Code
    5. Refactor Challenge
    6. Debugging Our Applications
    7. Complex DOM Rendering
    8. Setting up a Third-Party Library
    9. Targeting by UUID
    10. Checkbox Challenges
    11. The Edit Note Page: Part I
    12. The Edit Note Page: Part II
    13. Syncing Data Across Pages
    14. JavaScript Dates
    15. Moment
    16. Integrating Dates: Part I
    17. Integrating Dates: Part II
    18. Take a Break
  9. Chapter 9 : Expanding Our JavaScript Knowledge
    1. Section Intro: Expanding Our JavaScript Knowledge
    2. Arrow Functions: Part I
    3. Arrow Functions: Part II
    4. Conditional (Ternary) Operator
    5. Truthy and Falsy Values
    6. Type Coercion
    7. Catching and Throwing Errors
    8. Handling Application Errors
    9. Working in Strict Mode
  10. Chapter 10 : Advanced Objects and Functions
    1. Section Intro: Advanced Objects and Functions
    2. Object Oriented Programming
    3. Constructor Functions
    4. Setting up the Prototype Object
    5. Hangman Challenge: Part I
    6. Digging Into Prototypical Inheritance
    7. Primitives and Objects: Part I
    8. Primitives and Objects: Part II
    9. Hangman Challenge: Part II
    10. Hangman Challenge: Part III
    11. Hangman Challenge: Part IV
    12. The Class Syntax
    13. Creating Subclasses
    14. Getters and Setters
    15. Update: Fixing an Edge Case
  11. Chapter 11 : Asynchronous JavaScript
    1. Section Intro: Asynchronous JavaScript
    2. HTTP Requests from JavaScript
    3. HTTP Headers and Errors
    4. Exploring Another API
    5. Callback Abstraction
    6. Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Execution
    7. Callback Abstraction Challenge
    8. Closures
    9. Exploring Promises
    10. Converting to Promises
    11. Promise Chaining
    12. The Fetch API
    13. A Fetch Challenge
    14. A Promise Challenge
    15. Async/Await
    16. Async/Await Challenge
    17. Integrating Data into the Application
  12. Chapter 12 : App Themes
    1. Section Intro: App Themes
    2. CSS at a Glance
    3. Setting up the Hangman Theme
    4. Setting up the Notes Theme: Part I
    5. Setting up the Notes Theme: Part II
    6. Setting up the To-Do Theme: Part I
    7. Setting up the To-Do Theme: Part II
    8. Hosting Your Applications
  13. Chapter 13 : (NEW) Cutting-Edge JavaScript with Babel and Webpack
    1. Section Intro: Cutting-Edge JavaScript with Babel and Webpack
    2. The Problem: Cross-Browser Compatibility
    3. Exploring Babel
    4. Setting up Our Boilerplate
    5. Avoiding Global Modules
    6. Exploring Webpack
    7. Setting up Webpack
    8. JavaScript Modules: Part I
    9. JavaScript Modules: Part II
    10. Adding Babel into Webpack
    11. Webpack Dev Server
    12. Environments and Source Maps
    13. Converting Hangman App
    14. Using Third-Party Libraries
    15. Converting Notes App: Part I
    16. Converting Notes App: Part II
    17. Converting Notes App: Part III
    18. Converting Notes App: Part IV
    19. To-Do App Conversion Setup
    20. Converting To-Do App: Part I
    21. Converting To-Do App: Part II
    22. The Rest Parameter
    23. The Spread Syntax
    24. The Object Spread Syntax
    25. Destructuring
  14. Chapter 14 : Wrapping Up
    1. Section Intro: Wrapping Up
    2. New App Idea
    3. Bonus: Where do I go from here?

Product information

  • Title: The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp (2019)
  • Author(s): Andrew Mead
  • Release date: May 2019
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781838983734