CHAPTER 1 Confessions of a Stigmatized Night Owl: How Early Rising Nearly Destroyed My Business (and Did Destroy My Education)
Let me tell you my own personal story of the living hell of being a night owl in a society that seems to begin the workday at the crack of dawn, while I would have preferred getting up at the crack of noon all the while.
A Very Annoyed Five-Year-Old
No matter how far back I think in my lifetime, I can always remember being forced out of bed earlier than I should have been.
The memories go all the way back to elementary school. Maybe it was kindergarten, maybe it was first grade. All I remember is my mom coming into my bedroom, turning on the lights, setting out clothes for me to wear for the day, and haranguing me to get moving.
She didn’t mean anything negative by it. (I love you, Mom!) She only wanted me to do well in school, having been raised in a generation when school actually mattered. After all, school is school and we couldn’t control what time the school day started.
Even now, despite our kids naturally waking around 7:00 a.m. on most days, we sometimes have to gently wake them, particularly our youngest who tends to take after me rather than my wife. Oh, and if anyone doesn’t like being woken too early, it’s my younger daughter, Maeve! (Well, besides myself, that is, although, ironically, she does go to bed on her own when she’s tired. If we’re visiting family or vice versa, she’ll even fight to go to bed! Thankfully she’s easily guilt-tripped. ...
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