Motivate and Focus Your Team with Ongoing Communications (Including Social Media)
Everything communicates—every thing you say and do, and everything you don't say and don't do. Furthermore, everything great leaders say and do flows directly from their own core values, beliefs, and intentions. Be, Say, Do. Once again, we go back to BRAVE as the foundation of your 100-Day Plan. We believe it's helpful to consider Say and Do as a communication plan. Leaders live their message. Their message lives beyond them. This is why your 100-day action plan can actually be seen as an element of your overall communication approach and why you need to think through this approach before you say or do anything. What's really important to you? What's important to the people you're communicating with? What do you want to communicate? How? When?
We started this book with a strong statement about what our fundamental, underlying concept is:
Leadership is about inspiring and enabling others to do their absolute best together to realize a meaningful and rewarding shared purpose.
The starting point for your communication approach should be that shared purpose. Communication is about moving your target audience from its current reality toward a reality newly shaped by that purpose.
In Chapter 1 we introduced the underlying ethic of Be, Do, Say, communication as an integrated mode of being in the ...
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