Conclusion: Applications and Fine-Tuning

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take.

Wayne Gretzky, hockey great

Let's Put the Theory into Practice

We've all heard the saying, "If you continue to repeat the same patterns, you'll continue to get the same results." But you want a different, outstanding result—one that's aligned with your goals, your new sense of what's possible, and the dynamic new skills you're ready to put into practice. The strategies and tactics you've been learning have helped change your mental programming, and you now are ready to design a more fulfilling life for yourself, your family, and your organization.

At this stage in The Now Habit at Work process, you've become familiar with your default distractions and habits. By doing the exercises in the earlier chapters, you've gained some distance from the critical "should" inner voice, the "what if" worrier voice, and the part of you that says, "But I don't know how." You now have a new vantage point from which to see and hear these limited aspects of yourself, a vantage point that enables you to play your proper leadership role and maintain control of your life and career.

These changes in perspective and role allow you to quickly shift from using pressure and criticism—which may have caused inner conflict, self-sabotage, and loss of motivation— to more effective leadership methods. In your role as an effective leader, you're empowered to guide all aspects of yourself in protecting your life, your body, ...

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