It is our pleasure to acknowledge and thank the many people who helped to make this book possible. The NTL Handbook of Organization Development and Change is a testament to NTL being a major resource for and supporter of the field of OD. We appreciate the many current, former, and late NTL members who are architects of the field of organization development—those who are well known and less known in the field, including Clay Alderfer, Dick Beckhard, Peter Block, W. Warner Burke, Bob Chin, Elsie Cross, Kathleen D. Dannemiller, Kaleel Jamison, Hal Kellner, Don Klein, Ron Lippitt, Edwin Nevis, W. Brendan Reddy, Morley Segal, Herb Shepard, Ed Schein, Robert Tannenbaum, Marv Weisbord, Leroy Wells, Jr., and those who have been constant ...

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