Chapter 1.1
Geometrical optics
1.1.1. Ray optics conventions and
practical rules. Real and virtual
objects and images
Electro-optical systems are intended for the transfer and
transformation of radiant energy. They consist of active
and passive elements and sub-systems. In active ele-
ments, like radiation sources and radiation sensors, con-
version of energy takes place (radiant energy is converted
into electrical energy and vice versa, chemical energy is
converted in radiation and vice versa, etc.). Passive ele-
ments (like mirrors, lenses, prisms, etc.) do not convert
energy, but affect the spatial distribution of radiation.
Passive elements of electro-optical systems are fre-
quently termed optical systems.
Following this terminology, an optical system itself
does not perform any transformation of radiation into
other kinds of energy, but is aimed primarily at changing
the spatial distribution of radiant energy propagated in
space. Sometimes only concentration of radiation
somewhere in space is required (like in the systems for
medical treatment of tissues or systems for material
processing of fabricated parts). In other cases the ability
of optics to create light distribution similar in some way
to the light intensity profile of an ‘‘object’’ is exploited.
Such a procedure is called imaging and the corresponding
optical system is addressed as an imaging optical system.
Of all the passive optical elemen ts (prisms, mirrors,
filters, lenses, etc.) lenses are usually our main concern. It
is lenses that allow one to concentrate optical energy or
to get a specific distribution of light energy at different
points in space (in other words, to create an ‘‘image’’).
In most cases experienced in practice, imaging systems
are based on lenses (exceptions are the imaging systems
with curved mirrors).
The functioning of any optical element, as well as the
whole system, can be described either in terms of ray
optics or in terms of wave optics. The first case is usually
called the geometrical optics approach while the second
is called physical optics. In reality there are many situa-
tions when we need both (for example, in image quality
evaluation, see Chapter 2). But, since each approach has
advantages and disadvantages in practical use, it is im-
portant to know where and how to exploit each one in
order to minimize the complexity of consideration and to
avoid wasting time and effort.
This chapter is related to geometrical optics, or, more
specifically, to ray optics. Actually an optical ray is
a mathematical simplification: it is a line with no thick-
ness. In reality optical beams which consist of an endless
quantity of optical rays are created and transferred by
electro-optical systems. Naturally, there exist three kinds
of optical beams: parallel, divergent, and convergent (see
Fig. 1.1.1). If a beam, either divergent or convergent, has
a single point of intersection of all optical rays it is called
a homocentric beam (Fig. 1.1.1b,c). An example of
a non-homocentric beam is shown in Fig. 1.1.1 d. Such
Fig. 1.1.1 Optical beams: (a) parallel, (b,c) homocentric and
(d) non-homocentric.
Practical Optics; ISBN: 9780124909519
Copyright Ó 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights of reproduction, in any form, reserved.
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