magnification V
, to the position 2 where again the sharp
image is observed on the same screen, but at magnifica-
tion V
. The distance between positions 1 and 2 is
a ¼ 45 mm. Find the focal length of the lens and estimate
the uncertainty of the measured value if the lens thick-
ness, t, is about 5–6 mm.
P.1.1.5. Location of the principal planes of a thick lens.
Find the positions of two principal planes H and H
, BFL,
and FFL of a lens made of glass BK-7(n ¼ 1.5163) having
two spherical surfaces of radii R
¼50 mm and R
75 mm and thickness t ¼ 6 mm.
P.1.1.6. Violation of homocentricity of a beam passed
through a flat slab. A flat slab of glass is illuminated by
a homocentric beam which fills the solid angle u ¼1.5 sr
with the center at point A, 30 mm behind the slab
(Fig. 1.1.11). The thickness of the slab t ¼ 5 mm and
refractive index n ¼ 1.5. Find the location of the point A
after the slab as a function of incident angle, i, and esti-
mate the deviation of the outgoing beam from
P.1.1.7. A two-lens system in the paraxial range. A lens
of 100 mm focal length is followed by a lens L
75 mm focal length located 30 mm behind it. Consid-
ering both lenses as a unified system find the equivalent
optical power and position of the focal plane.
P.1.1.8. A ball lens. Find the location of the principal
planes of a ball lens (a full sphere) of radius r ¼3 mm and
its BFL.
1.1.2. Thin lenses layout.
Microscope and telescope optical
We will consider here the following basic configurations:
(i) magnifier; (ii) microscope; and (iii) telescope. All
three can be ended either by a human eye or by an
electro-optical sensor (like a CCD or other area sensor). The human eye
Although the details of physiological optics are beyond
the scope of this book, w e have to consider some im-
portant features of the human eye (for further details,
see Hopkins, 1962) as well as eye-related characteristics
of optical devices. Usually the ‘‘standard eye’’ (normal
eye of an adult person) is described in terms of a simpli-
fied model (so-called ‘‘reduced eye’’) as a single lens
surrounded by the air from the outside, and by the op-
tically transparent medium (vitreous humor) of re-
fractive index 1.336 from the inside. As a result, the
front focal length of the eye, f, differs from the back focal
length, f
(see Eq. (1.1.2)). The front focal length is
usually estimated as 17.1 mm where as f
is equal to
22.9 mm. The pupil of the eye varies from 2 mm (min-
imum size) to 8 mm (maximum size) according to the
scene illumination level (adaptation). The lens creates
images on the retina which consists of huge numbers of
photosensitive cells. The average size of the retina cells
dictates the angular resolution of the eye (ability of
seeing two small details of the object separately). The
limiting situation is that the images of two points are
created at two adjacent cells of the retina. This renders
the angular resolution of a normal eye to be 1 arcminute
(3 10
rad). The lens curvature is controlled by the
eye muscles in such a way that the best (sharp) image is
Fig. 1.1.9 Problem P.1.1.2 – Imaging by the graphical method:
(a) with a positive lens; (b) with a negative lens.
Fig. 1.1.10 Problem P.1.1.4 – Method of focal length
Fig. 1.1.11 Problem P.1.1.6 – Consideration of a parallel plate.
Geometrical optics CHAPTER 1.1
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