segment. It can be shown [40–42] that the OSNR for
each link segment is given by
ðNFÞ h
; (6.3.55)
where (NF ) is the noise figure of the amplifier (i.e., the
amplifier output when there is no input), h is Planck’s
constant, n is the optical frequency, N is the number of
amplifiers, G is the loss of one link segment, or span loss,
and D f is the bandwidth used to measure the noise factor
(typically, 0.1 nm or 12.5 GHz). Since each span is of
equal length, we assume that all spans have the same loss;
furthermore, we assume that all amplifiers have the same
noise factor. These are reasonably good assumptions
based on the uniformity of fiber and components avail-
able; either assumption can be changed in order to im-
prove the design accuracy. The total OSNR for the
system is given by a reciprocal sum of the OSNR for each
link segment:
i ¼1
: (6.3.56)
Taking the common log (base 10) of both sides of Eq.
(6.3.58) to convert into dB, and assuming the typical
value for Df, yields
¼ 58 þ P
10 log N:
The expression is typically written in this form because
both the span loss and noise factor are specified in dB,
rather than in linear form, so they do not need to be
converted. Equation (6.3.57) provides a useful approxi-
mation to the system OSNR. Additional loss can be
subtracted from the right-hand side of this expression to
account for other factors, such as gain flatness and gain
tilt of the amplifiers, and polarization dependent noise. In
a multiwavelength system, the design should be based on
the OSNR for the worst wavelength in the system (this is
sometimes assumed to be the first or last wavelength).
Alternatively, some designs assume that optical power
and noise are uniformly divided across all wavelengths of
the system, and either divide the total power by the
number of wavelengths or multiply the total noise by the
number of wavelengths. Various forms of this expression
are used in the literature, depending on the assumptions
made in the link design [40–42].
Case study WDM link budget design
There has always been a need for long-distance, disaster
recovery networks in the data communications indu stry.
These may be used for extending storage area networks,
enabling grid computing applications, or as part of the
ongoing convergence between data communication and
telecommunications. A common design problem involves
determining wh ether a wavelength-division multiplexing
(WDM) system, used as a protocol independent channel
extension, can operate with sufficient fidelity (low
enough bit error rate). Since these links are commonly
loss limited rather than dispersion limited, we can
estimate the requirements from an OSNR.
Consider as an example a WDM link 80 km long ,
originally designed for use with telecommunication
systems, which is being repurposed for an extended
distance datacom link. Since the link loss is too great
for a point-to-point WDM system, it has been divided
into four equal segments, each having 25 dB loss, using
optical amplifiers between each span. Each amplifier
has a fixed gain of 22 dB and a noise factor of 5 dB. We
further assume that the wavelengths are closely
enough spaced that their behavior can be approxi-
mated by a n average wavelength of around 1550 nm
with a small spectral width (25 kHz). Using this in-
formation, we can determine that the output OSNR
for this link is 27 dB. If we attempt to connect a piece
of datacom equipment with a lower receiver sensitivity
(say, 2 5 dB), then the span will not function despite
the use of several optical am plifiers in t he path . This
illustrates the importance of not only computing the
OSNR, but determining if it is adequate for the system
to be used.
1. S. E. Miller, and A. G. Chynoweth, eds.
Optical fiber telecommunications. New
York: Academic Press (1979).
2. J. Gowar, Optical communication
systems. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
Prentice Hall (1984).
3. C. DeCusatis, ed. 1998, December.
Handbook of fiber optic data
communication. New York: Elsevier/
Academic Press, (second edition 2002);
see also Optical Engineering special
issue on Optical Data Communication.
4. R. Lasky, U. Osterberg, and D.
Stigliani, eds. Optoelectronics for data
communication. New York: Academic
Press (1995).
5. Digital video broadcasting (DVB)
Measurement Guidelines for DVB
systems, European
Tele-communications Standards
Institute ETSI Technical Report ETR
290, May 1997; Digital Multi-
Programme Systems for Television
Sound and Data Services fo rCable
Distribution, International
Telecommunications Union ITU-T
Recommendation J.83,1995; Digital
Broadcasting System for Television,
Sound and Data Services; Framing
Structure, Channel Coding and
Optical link budgets and design rules CHAPTER 6.3

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