Using a target bar code with several groups of well-
defined spatial frequencies as the system object and
measuring the modulation M
of the corresponding
images at the system output allows one to find the
MTF (see Eq. (1.2.43)). This method is commonly
exploited in image qu ality evaluation at the final testing
stage. The limiting resolution of the system is defined
as the spatial frequency of the group still visible at the
image plane with a minimum contrast of 3–5% (which
is c onsidere d as the limit of the perception capability
of a human eye).
P.1.2.18. What could be concluded about imaging optics
if an analysis of the encircled energy revealed 45% of the
total energy of the spot corresponding to an on-axis image
point is inside the circle diameter which is half the size of
the whole spot?
P.1.2.19. Imaging optics operated with mono-
chromatic illumination of 0.6 mmandhavingNA¼
0.25 in the object space is ended by a CCD area sensor.
What should be the minimum pitch of the CCD in
order to acquire all s patial frequencies transferred by
the optics?
P.1.2.20. MTF measurements are carried out with
a square-wave ta rget of variable frequencies made of
chrome on glass in a bar code pattern. Data are col-
lected for low spatial frequency (v
¼ 10 cycles/mm)
and for high spatial freque ncy (v
¼ 200 cycles/mm)
and the respective meas ured modulations are 70% and
20%. Assuming that the reflectance of chrome is 70%
and the reflectance of glass is 4% and also keeping in
mind that the contrast of images is slightly degraded by
the background light scattered inside the measurement
set-up, find the true MTF value at higher spatial
P.1.2.21. A diffraction-limited optical system oper-
ated in the visible range and having NA ¼ 0.15 creates an
image on a CCD sensor followed by a video monitor. The
MTF of CCD þ monitor is 60%. Could we expect to see
on the screen the tiny details of an object corresponding
to the spatial frequency of 575 cycles/mm?
1.2.4 Two special cases Telecentric imaging system
This kind of archi tecture is usually exploited in mea-
surement systems where errors caused by the third
dimensions (along the optical axis) of an object have to
be minimized. To explain this error (sometimes called
the parallax error, or perspective error) we refer to
Fig. 1.2.30a where simple imaging with a single lens i s
depicted. Two objects, O
B, having the same
height and located at different distances from the lens,
after imaging are transformed into images O
of different heights. The error Dy
might cause
problems if the defocusing Dx
is small (not revealed by
the system observer). The telecentric imaging system
shown in Fig. 1.2.30bisfreeofthiserror.Thesystemis
configured as an a focal lens pair where the back focal
plane of the first lens coincides with the front focal
plane of the second. What is also important is that the
aperture stop ab is located in this plane P. As a result,
Fig. 1.2.30 Imaging with (a) parallax error and (b) the telecentric configuration.
Fig. 1.2.29 (a,c) Input square waves and (b,d) the corresponding
output patterns.
Theory of imaging CHAPTER 1.2
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