network in Japan in the early 1990s [11]. This trend
persisted for a while before EDFAs emerged on the
scene and led to a dramatic change in technology trends.
3.1.3 Emergence of fiber
amplifiers and DWDM systems EDFAs
In the late 1980s typical state-of-the-art, repeater-less,
transmission distances were about 40–50 km at the 560
Mb/s transmission rate. Because maximum launched
optical power was below 100 mW, it was difficult to im-
prove system lengths beyond this specification, and the
use of electronic repeate rs became inevitable. At a re-
peater, the so-called 3R-regeneration functions (ream-
plification, retiming, and reshaping) are performed in the
electric domain on the incoming attenuated as well as
distorted (due to dispersion) signals after detection by
a photode-tector and before the revamped signal is fed to
a laser diode drive circuit, from which these cleaned
optical pulses are launched to the next section of the
fiber link. However, these complex functions are ex-
pensive and unit replacement is required when network
capacity is to be upgraded to higher bit transmission rates
because electronic components are bit rate sensitive.
Because these units are required to convert photons to
electrons and back to photons, often at modulation rates
approaching the limits of the then available electronic
switching technology, a bottleneck was encountered in
the late 1980s. What was needed was an optical amplifier
to bypass this electronic bottleneck. In 1986, the research
group at Southampton University in England reported
success in incorporating rare earth trivalent erbium ions
into host silica glass during fiber fabrication [22]. Erbium
is a well-known lasing species characterized by strong
fluorescence at 1550 nm. Subsequently, the same group
demonstrated that excellent noise and gain performance
is feasible in a large part of the 1550-nm window with
erbium-doped standard silica fibers [5].
The concept of optical amplification in fiber is almost
as old as the laser itself. Today, EDFAs seem like an
outstanding breakthrough, but they are really an old
idea. In 1964, Koester and Snitzer [23] demonstrated
a gain of 40 dB at 1.06 mm in a 1-meter-long Nd-doped
fiber side pumped with flash lamps. The motivation at
that time was to find optical sources for communica-
tion, but the impressive development of semiconductor
lasers that took place in subsequent years pushed fiber
lasers to the background. The operation of an EDFA is
very straightforward [24]. The electrons in the 4f shell
of the erbium ions are excited to higher energy states by
absorption of energy from a pump. Absorption bands
most suitable as pumps for obtaining amplification of
1550-nm signals are the 980- and 1480-nm wavelengths
(Fig. 3.1.9a); Fig. 3.1.9b shows a schematic of an EDFA.
When pumped at either of these wavelengths, an
erbium-doped fiber was found to amplify signals over
a band of almost 30–35 nm at the 1550-nm wavelength
region (see Fig. 8.9 in Chapter 8).
Typical pump powers required for operating an EDFA
as an amplifier range from 20 to 100 mW. Absorption of
pump energy by the erbium ions leads to population in-
version of these ions from the ground state (4I
either 4I
(980 nm) or 4I
(1480 nm) excited
states: the 4I
level effectively acts as a storage of
pump power from which the incoming weak signals may
stimulate emission and experience amplification [13].
Stimulated events are extremely fast, and hence the
amplified signal slavishly follows the amplitude modula-
tion of the input signal . EDFAs are accordingly bit rate
transparent. EDFAs are new tools that system plan ners
now almost routinely use for designing networks. EDFAs
can be incorporated in a fiber link with an insertion loss of
w0.1 dB, and almost full population inversion is
achievable at the 980-nm pump band. Practical EDFAs
with an output power of around 100 mW (20 dBm),
a 30-dB small signal gain, and a noise figure of <5 dB are
now available commercially. In a 10-Gb/s transmission
experiment, a record receiver sensitivity of 102 photons
per bit was attained in a two-stage composite EDFA
having a noise figure of 3.1 dB [25].
980 nm 1480 nm 1520 ~ 1570 nm
Weak WDM signals
@ 1550 nm band
Amplified WDM
1 s
λ λ λ
λ λ λ
10 ms
Fig. 3.1.9 (a) Energy level diagram of an Er
ion. (b) Schematic
layout of an EDFA (for details see Chapter 8).
Optical fibers for broadband communication CHAPTER 3.1

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