1What's in It for Me?Your Personal Guided Book Tour
This book will make you a better leader by helping you tap into a phenomenal resource all around you. You may not always be aware of it, and chances are you're not utilizing it very well right now. But the good news is you've already paid for it, and you and your organization continue to add to it every day in many ways. It's failure, the other F word. Although no one likes to fail, truly successful leaders know how to turn a bad experience from a regret into a resource. They put failure to work, driving innovation, strengthening genuine collaboration, and accelerating growth in their organizations.
We teach about innovation, leadership, strategy, and entrepreneurship. Our executive, graduate, and undergraduate students at University of California Berkeley and Princeton come from backgrounds ranging from business to engineering and healthcare to energy. In all our classes, we stress that entrepreneurs, innovators, product designers, and leaders of change initiatives need to answer the one key question on the minds of their potential customers, users, and colleagues: WIIFM? That's short for: What's In It For Me? Translate what you are trying to do into terms your audience can understand and benefits they can appreciate.
We're holding ourselves to that same standard. So to begin, we've created a personal crib sheet for you on the ...
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