Chapter 9


Well, you made it to the last chapter of the book and through the patchwork of discussion on big data, analytics, and the design thinking process. Here are the different areas we've covered.

  • Insight: We started in Chapter 2 with gaining insight, learning from consumers themselves about what they think and feel about our healthcare system. We learned about their experiences, and by creating an experience blueprint we were able to understand many different challenges at various touchpoints of the system that a person may encounter. This helped us to define our criteria.
  • Inspiration: Once we identified our criteria, our search for inspiration to address these challenges began. We found that industries such as banking, retail, and e-commerce have solved similar problems and we discussed how they've done it through the use of data.
  • Ideation: In the ideation chapter, we imagined a new type of healthcare system, one in which the consumer is empowered and engaged in achieving optimal health. New ideas, like personal health clouds, were introduced.
  • Implementation: We went through three chapters on implementation, starting with the tools available to us and how we can utilize them to address our criteria. Then we delved into many different health analytics tools that can help us to craft better healthcare experiences.
  • Innovation: The innovation chapter shed light on exponential growth and modernization of healthcare. We identified that interoperability is a foundation ...

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