2 Money – a love story

Our brains are identical to the ones which emerged from Africa 100,000 years ago. You take a cave man, shave him, give him a 3-piece suit, and put him on Wall St., and he looks like all the other barbarians on Wall St. Our brains haven’t changed at all in the last 100,000 years.

— Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku (Dabbs, 2000, p. 58)

Gordon Gekko, the fictional Wall Street trader and protagonist of Oliver Stone’s Wall Street (1987), said that ‘greed, for want of a better word … is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit’.

And he was right.

For whilst orthodox economics theories assumed the rationality of man, we now know that greed – amongst ...

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