Image Credits

The authors and publishers have made every reasonable effort to contact all persons or organizations with a copyright claim on the works published herein. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy at the time of printing and any corrections will be made in future editions, provided notice is given to the publisher. All drawings, images, and screenshots by Chris Grimley and Kelly Harris Smith unless otherwise noted.

13 Chris Greenawalt

15 Vladimir Konstantinov / Shutterstock, Bob O’Connor, Muratto | Natural Surface Design

19 Shutterstock

21 Bob O’Connor, MAK Interiors / Ema Peter

23 Unsplash by Spacejoy, Unsplash by Copernico

25 Naquib Hossain via Wikimedia Commons under CC BY-SA 2.0, Bob O’Connor

27 Steelcase, Inc., Nikolas ...

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