Accepting feedback. See also Feedback
Accountability, follow up and
AA meeting anecdote
American Idol (TV show)
Apologizing for past behavior
Asch, Solomon (Social Psychology)
Athletic training
about change (survey results)
absence of change/improvement as standing still or degenerating
change as skill that can be mastered
successful people continually change and improve
there will never come a time in which some change will not be useful
about feedback:
Attribution theory/process
associates’ not wanting to
believe that source of
your problems is the
feedback reflecting how others
really feel about us and our
performance (Principle 13)
halo effect
rationalizing specific characteristics/behaviors to fit general impressions
resistance to changing first impressions
small changes in specific areas having significant impact on others’ perceptions
tendency to blame own failures on environmental factors and others’ failures on the individual
unequal attention to attributes
“Average isn’t good enough” (Principle 18)
Balance (Principle 6)
fight versus flight
healthy attitude about feedback
paralysis of analysis versus “ignorance is bliss,”
Principle 6
rationalization versus literal acceptance
“that’s interesting” versus “that’s terrible” mindset
Barnes, Louis
Beginning where you are
Behavior of others, attributing to person or environment
consistent over situations
consistent ...