7Earn Time on Their Calendar
Are you wearing a smartwatch or other fitness tracker? Good. Now take an honest look at your pipeline—what happens to your heart rate?
If it's beating in time to the tempo of your favorite pop song, you're in good company! In our recent study, “The Three Keys to Sales Quota Attainment,” we found that 69% of salespeople do not have enough opportunities in their pipeline to achieve their quota. It makes perfect sense, no one likes to prospect, and odds are you've got an inconsistent approach that fails to fill the revenue pipeline.
The good news is that there's a proven method for setting more meetings and adding more qualified opportunities. The bad news is there's no silver bullet—and that's the mistake that everyone from early‐career sales development representatives (SDRs) to seasoned account executives make.
At a high level, we all know how to prospect more effectively—the right message, at the right time, to the right person—and the commitment to consistently putting in the work, day in and day out. Yet, we're inevitably tempted to find that one hack that promises to make this all easy and predictable—we search for that silver bullet to take down the werewolf that is prospecting drudgery. We fall into the trap of thinking, If only I had a better email template or a phone script to rule all phone scripts! Maybe a dialer is the only thing I'm missing? What if enablement wrote new cadences for all of our “big rock” content?
Don't get me wrong—you'll ...
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