8Uncover Business Problems Worth Solving
The idea that people need a reason to change is the most basic and obvious of concepts. Change is difficult for most people: It includes risk, uncertainty, and the likelihood that they're going to have to put in long hours and effort to successfully manage the change.
Today, more than ever, clients don't buy because they fall in love with a product. They buy because they have a need that requires a solution. They buy for their reasons, not ours.
Why did technology sales explode during the pandemic? It's simple—when employees were 100% forced to work from home, businesses had no in‐home infrastructure to accommodate the new work requirements.
Companies who would not take a sales call from web conferencing, VPN (virtual private network) providers, and other technology infrastructure companies suddenly could not purchase those products fast enough. Consumers who had rarely used restaurant or grocery delivery services turned to those solutions exclusively.
Timing Is Everything
Ten years ago, our clients began asking if we could provide virtual learning options. Our answer was, “Of course!” We purchased the necessary tech, trained our team, and were ready with this new offering in under 6 months. What happened? Sure, clients explored the offerings. Yes, clients appreciated the fact that we had flexible options … and no, clients did not purchase the virtual option.
That all changed in March 2020. Suddenly, face‐to‐face and in‐person training ...
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