The game invokes an experience in players' mind.

—Jesse Schell1

In every job that must be done

There is an element of fun.

You find the fun and snap!

The job's a game.

—[A spoonful of sugar] Mary Poppins

When I engage in video games, I feel an exhilarating sense of aliveness. As I pick up a controller or turn on my PC, the mundane world fades away, and a captivating realm comes to life. In this realm, I can be anyone or anything I desire, simply by choosing the right game. Sometimes, I gather my friends online, and we play for hours on end, completely absorbed in the experience. Time slips away, and it's only when I glance at the clock and realize it's 2 AM that I reluctantly decided to get some sleep before another day of work begins. Games hold a special place in my heart.

Games are truly unique, offering an experience unlike any other. They differ from riding roller coasters, petting animals, or even watching movies. But have you ever tried describing fun to a 5‐year‐old without using the word “fun”? It's quite a challenge, isn't it? Fun is subjective, as it can be experienced in various ways—playing games with friends, dancing with strangers, or sharing laughter with family. So, what exactly constitutes true fun?

In her book, The Power of Fun,2 Catherine Price defines fun as “an activity that produces a state of mind characterized by high levels of pleasure, engagement, and a sense of personal fulfillment.” Fun is a subjective ...

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