abrazos, 10
acculturation, 6, 12, 155, 161, 208, 217
adaptiveness, 11, 12, 92, 212, 218–19, 220
¡adelante! (global vision and immigrant spirit), 8, 15, 151–66
affection, 191
affinity, Latinos by, xii, 11, 12, 15, 61, 63, 101, 193, 211, 219
African Americans
activist agenda of, 178
identity of, 145
national anthem of, 239n24, 240n27
slavery, 42
Afro-Cuban heritage, 33
Afro-Iberian heritage, 33
The Alamo, 43
aliados, 124
Alliance for Progress, 14
An American Agenda from a Latino Perspective (Latino Policy Forum), 174–75
American GI Forum, 224–25
American history. See United States history
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