About the author

As an art major with a smattering of graphic-design courses, Ronnie Lipton's early career spanned graphic design, technical illustration, forms design, and typesetting for ad agencies, publishing companies, and the odd corporation.

Lipton added writing later, with a stint as a copywriter and catalog editor, followed by eight years as the editor, art director, and then also publisher of In House Graphics newsletter. At the same time, she organized and presented at conferences and began teaching graphic design and writing at George Washington University, both in Washington, D.C., and at the University of Maryland.

By then, this career's theme had fully emerged: helping designers, clients, and students to effectively combine well-chosen words, pictures, and presentation to deliver a message the audience needs, wants, and can understand; helping them to realize they must start by understanding the audience's needs, skills, frame of reference, and preferences.

Lipton's other books (so far) include Designing Across Cultures and Information Graphics and Visual Clues.

In addition to working on books, Lipton helps organizations improve their visual and verbal communications, teaches workshops, and speaks at conferences. For help with your information-design projects or for an in-house or conference presentation, contact Ronnie Lipton at ronlipton@aol.com.

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