Appendix 1Bibliography

Vard Antinyan, Jesper Derehag, Anna Sandberg, and Miroslaw Staron. Mythical Unit Test Coverage. IEEE Software. 35:73-79, 2018.
Jackie Andrade. What does doodling do? Applied Cognitive Psychology. 24(1):100-106, 2010, January.
Joe Armstrong. Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World. The Pragmatic Bookshelf, Raleigh, NC, 2007.
Albert J. Bernstein and Sydney Craft Rozen. Dinosaur Brains: Dealing with All Those Impossible People at Work. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1989.
Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, Anniversary, 1996.
Brad J. Cox and Andrew J. Novobilski. Object-Oriented Programming: An Evolutionary ...

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