The Project Manager's Partner: A Step-by-Step Guide to Project Management

Book description

With the downsizing of businesses, project management is no longer a specialized profession but rather a set of competencies, skills, and behaviors that have general application. The work groups and individuals called on to be part-time project managers need tools that will help them plan, execute, control, and close out project events. These tools must be easily understood and usable right away, in real time. The Partner is composed of step-by-step performance tools such as checklists, worksheets, guidelines, and other valuable support materials that will help plan and work through project events. These tools are organized around 20 key action items that guide the project management process. The Partner also contains a glossary of project management terms that will establish a clear terminology for communications between project participants, as well as a set of practical instructions that support the use of project management software. The Partner is based on the established best practices in the field, as featured in the Project Management Institute's Body of Knowledge (PMBOK).

Table of contents

  1. The Project Manager's Partner: A Step-by-Step Guide to Project Management
    1. Copyright
    2. Dedication (1/2)
    3. Dedication (2/2)
    4. Acknowledgments
    5. Introduction
      1. Is This Handbook for You?
      2. How to Use This Handbook
      3. Where to Begin
    6. Part I: Your Deliverables, Phases, and Project Life Cycle
      1. Project Deliverables
      2. Project Phases
      3. The Project Life Cycle
      4. Phase I: Determine Need and Feasibility
      5. Phase II: Create Project Plan
      6. Phase III: Create Deliverables Specifications
      7. Phase IV: Create Deliverables
      8. Phase V: Test and Implement Deliverables
      9. Assignment: Your Unique Project Life Cycle
    7. Part II: Your Essential Project Actions
      1. Project Phases and the Project Management Processes
      2. Assignment: Your Essential Project Actions
      3. Phases, Processes, and Action Items: Pulling It All Together
    8. Part III: Your Project Management Action Items
      1. Overview
      2. Initiating (1/3)
      3. Initiating (2/3)
      4. Initiating (3/3)
      5. Planning (1/16)
      6. Planning (2/16)
      7. Planning (3/16)
      8. Planning (4/16)
      9. Planning (5/16)
      10. Planning (6/16)
      11. Planning (7/16)
      12. Planning (8/16)
      13. Planning (9/16)
      14. Planning (10/16)
      15. Planning (11/16)
      16. Planning (12/16)
      17. Planning (13/16)
      18. Planning (14/16)
      19. Planning (15/16)
      20. Planning (16/16)
      21. Executing (1/2)
      22. Executing (2/2)
      23. Controlling (1/3)
      24. Controlling (2/3)
      25. Controlling (3/3)
      26. Closing (1/2)
      27. Closing (2/2)
    9. Appendix A: Tips for Managing Experts Outside Your Expertise
      1. Symptoms
      2. Is an Attitude Adjustment Required?
      3. Tips for Working with Experts Outside Your Area of Expertise
    10. Appendix B: Glossary of Project Management Terms (1/2)
    11. Appendix B: Glossary of Project Management Terms (2/2)
    12. Appendix C: Summary of Key Project Manager Actions and Results
    13. Appendix D: Potential Shortcuts for Low-Risk Projects
    14. Appendix E: Guidelines—When to Kill the Project
    15. Appendix F: Taking Charge of Your Project Management Software
    16. Appendix G: Selected Project Manager Resources
      1. PM-oriented Internet Sites
      2. An Idiosyncratic Bibliography (1/2)
      3. An Idiosyncratic Bibliography (2/2)
      4. About the Author
    17. References

Product information

  • Title: The Project Manager's Partner: A Step-by-Step Guide to Project Management
  • Author(s): Machael Greer
  • Release date: January 2001
  • Publisher(s): HRD Press
  • ISBN: 9780874256109