PART 2Agile Project Management Overview

AGILE IS CAUSING US TO broaden our vision of what a project manager is and that will have a dramatic impact on the potential roles that a project manager can play in an Agile project. In fact, the role of a project manager at a team level in a typical Agile/Scrum project is undefined. That will cause us to rethink many of the things we have taken for granted about project management for a long time to develop a broader vision of what an Agile Project Manager is. Some of the project management functions might be integrated into other roles and performed by someone who is not a dedicated project manager and who doesn’t have the title of “Project Manager.”

Chapter 5 – Agile Development, Quality, and Testing Practices:

You might ask: “Why does a Project Manager need to know something about development practices?” In the past, the role of a project manager might have been somewhat limited to a coordination function to integrate the efforts of the different functional organizations that played a role in the project.

In many cases, the actual functional direction for the different functions involved (development, test, etc.) came from the functional managers who were responsible for those functions themselves, and the role of the project manager in providing functional direction may have been limited.

An Agile environment is different—cross‐functional teams are much more integrated, and an Agile Project Manager needs to be a strong, cross‐functional ...

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