Primary Sources

U.S. Congress

U.S. Congress, House Hearings, Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments, National Security Act of 1947, 80th Congress, 1st Session, 1947.

U.S. Congress, Senate Hearings, National Security Act Amendments of 1949, 81st Congress, 1st Session, 1949.

U.S. Congress, Joint Committees, Report of the Joint Committee of the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack, 79th Congress, 2nd Session, 1946. (Joint Committee Print.)

Presidential Papers

Acheson, Dean, Henry L. Stimson, and James V. Forrestal, Memorandum for President Truman, "Continuation and Extension of Collaboration with the British in the Communications Intelligence Field," undated, NSA Center for Cryptologic History.

Roosevelt, Franklin D., memorandum ...

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