Analysing Schoener's Lizards as Proportion Data
[1] "Ao" "Ag" "sun" "height" "perch" "time"
The response variable is a two-column object containing the counts of the two species:
We begin by fitting the saturated model with all possible interactions:
Since there are no nuisance variables, we can use step directly to begin the model simplification (compare this with p. 560 with a log-linear model of the same data):
Start: AIC= 102.82
y ~ sun * height * perch * time
Df Deviance AIC - sun:height:perch:time 1 2.180e-10 100.82 <none> 3.582e-10 102.82
Out goes the four-way interaction (with a sigh of relief):
Step: AIC= 100.82 Df Deviance AIC - sun:height:time 2 0.442 97.266 - sun:perch:time 2 0.810 97.634 - height:perch:time 2 3.222 100.046 <none> 2.18e-10 100.824 - sun:height:perch 1 2.709 101.533
Next, we wave goodbye to three of the three-way interactions
Step: AIC= 97.27 Df Deviance AIC - sun:perch:time 2 1.071 93.896 <none> 0.442 97.266 - height:perch:time 2 4.648 97.472 - sun:height:perch 1 3.111 97.936 Step: AIC= 93.9 Df Deviance AIC - sun:time 2 3.340 92.165 <none> 1.071 93.896 - sun:height:perch 1 3.302 94.126 - height:perch:time 2 5.791 94.615
and the two-way interaction of sun by time
Step: AIC= 92.16
Df Deviance AIC
<none> 3.340 92.165
- sun:height:perch 1 5.827 92.651
- height:perch:time 2 8.542 93.366
summary(model2) Call: glm(formu la = y ~ sun + height + ...
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