STEP 4 CASE STUDY No.6 New City Hall, Venlo, the Netherlands, by C2C ExpoLAB with Kraaijvanger Architects

C2C-branded city | C2C-certified supply chain

[The Story]

When Bas van de Westerlo of C2C ExpoLAB completed his building engineering Masters thesis in 2008, by his own admission he had no interest in sustainable design, which he dismissed as just ‘being less bad’. However this all changed when he saw the documentary ‘Waste = Food’.7 So moved was he by the concept of Cradle to Cradle that within a year van de Westerlo had attended a C2C training course in Hamburg at what is nicknamed ‘the Cradle of Cradle to Cradle’ – the Environment Protection Encouragement Agency (EPEA), formed by Michael Braungart. Van de Westerlo is now a certified Cradle ...

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