12.1. Ruby/Tk
The roots of Tk go back as far as 1988, if you count prerelease versions. It was long thought of as a companion of Tcl, but for several years it has been used with several other languages, including Perl and Ruby.
If Ruby had a native GUI, Tk would probably be it. It is still in widespread use at the time of this writing, and some Ruby download versions include Tk in a more or less turnkey fashion.
The previous reference to Perl is not entirely gratuitous. The Tk bindings for Ruby and Perl are similar, enough so that any reference material for Perl/Tk should be mostly applicable to Ruby/Tk. One such reference is Learning Perl/Tk; ISBN: 1565923146 by Nancy Walsh.
12.1.1. Overview
In 2001, Tk was probably the most common GUI in use ...
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