The Rules of Wealth, 3rd Edition

Book description

The Rules of Wealth
A personal code for prosperity and plenty
Some people seem to find money so easy. Easy to make, easy to hold on to and easy to grow. The rest of us just find it easy to spend.
So, is it all luck or is there something that rich people know or do that we don’t? Is it something we could all learn? The answer is a resounding yes. They know The Rules of Wealth.
The Rules of Wealth are the guiding principles that will help you generate more money, handle it more wisely, grow it more effectively and know how to use it to live a happier, more fulfilling, more comfortable life.
Richard Templar’s ‘Rules of’ books have become a global phenomenon, topping bestseller charts around the world. Real readers have testified in their droves what a profound and positive effect the books have had on their lives.
So, if you dream of having enough money never to worry about it ever again, you need the The Rules of Wealth.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. The Rules of Wealth
  3. Contents
  4. Introduction
  5. Acknowledgements
  6. Thinking Wealthy
    1. 1 Anybody can be wealthy – you just need to apply yourself
    2. 2 Decide on your definition of wealth
    3. 3 Set your objectives
    4. 4 Keep it under your hat
    5. 5 Most people are too lazy to be wealthy
    6. 6 Get a reality check
    7. 7 Understand your money beliefs and where they come from
    8. 8 Understand that wealth is a consequence, not a reward
    9. 9 Decide what you want money for
    10. 10 Understand that money begets money
    11. 11 Calculate the net return
    12. 12 If you see money as the solution you’ll find it becomes the problem
    13. 13 You can make lots of money, you can enjoy your job, and you can sleep nights
    14. 14 Don’t make money by being bad
    15. 15 Money and happiness – understand their relationship
    16. 16 Know the difference between price and value
    17. 17 Know how the wealthy think
    18. 18 Don’t envy what others have
    19. 19 It’s harder to manage yourself than it is to manage your money
  7. Getting Wealthy
    1. 20 You’ve got to know where you are before you start
    2. 21 You’ve got to have a plan
    3. 22 Get your finances under control
    4. 23 Insurance pays someone, and odds are it’s not you
    5. 24 Only by looking wealthy can you become wealthy
    6. 25 Speculate to accumulate (no, this isn’t gambling)
    7. 26 Decide your attitude to risk
    8. 27 Think through the alternatives to taking a risk
    9. 28 If you don’t trust someone, don’t do business with them
    10. 29 It’s never too late to start getting wealthy
    11. 30 Start saving young (or teach your kids this one if it’s too late for you)
    12. 31 Understand that your financial needs change at different stages of your life
    13. 32 You have to work hard to get rich enough not to have to work hard
    14. 33 Learn the art of deal making
    15. 34 Learn the art of negotiating
    16. 35 Small economies won’t make you wealthy but they will make you miserable
    17. 36 Real wealth comes from deals not fees
    18. 37 Understand that working for others won’t necessarily make you rich – but it might
    19. 38 Don’t waste time procrastinating – make money decisions quickly
    20. 39 Work as if you didn’t need the money
    21. 40 Spend less than you earn
    22. 41 Don’t borrow money – unless you really, really have to
    23. 42 Consider consolidating debts
    24. 43 Cultivate a skill and it’ll repay you over and over again
    25. 44 Pay off your loans and debts as a priority
    26. 45 Don’t be too busy earning a living to make some money
    27. 46 Save in big chunks – or should you?
    28. 47 Don’t rent, buy
    29. 48 Understand what investing really means
    30. 49 Build a bit of capital then invest it wisely
    31. 50 Understand that property, in the long run, will not outpace shares
    32. 51 Master the art of selling
    33. 52 See yourself as others do
    34. 53 Don’t believe you can always win
    35. 54 Don’t pick stocks yourself if you don’t know what you’re doing
    36. 55 Understand how the stock market really works
    37. 56 Only buy shares (or anything) you can understand
    38. 57 Use your head
    39. 58 By all means, use the investment professionals (but don’t be used by them)
    40. 59 If you are going to get financial advice, pay for it
    41. 60 Don’t fiddle
    42. 61 Think long term
    43. 62 Have a set time of day to work on your wealth strategy
    44. 63 Pay attention to detail
    45. 64 Create new income streams
    46. 65 Learn to play ‘What if?’
    47. 66 Control spending impulses
    48. 67 Don’t answer ads that promise get-rich-quick schemes – it won’t be you who gets rich quick
    49. 68 There are no secrets
    50. 69 Don’t just read this – do something
  8. Get Even Wealthier
    1. 70 Carry out a finance health check regularly
    2. 71 Get some money mentors
    3. 72 Play your hunches
    4. 73 Don’t sit back
    5. 74 Get someone to do the stuff you can’t
    6. 75 Know yourself – solo, duo or team player
    7. 76 Look for the hidden asset/opportunity
    8. 77 Don’t try to get rich too quickly
    9. 78 Always ask what’s in it for them
    10. 79 Make your money work for you
    11. 80 Know when to let go of investments
    12. 81 Know your own style
    13. 82 Know why you should be able to read a balance sheet – and how
    14. 83 Be one step ahead of your tax collector
    15. 84 Learn how to make your assets work for you
    16. 85 Don’t ever believe you’re only worth what you are being paid
    17. 86 Don’t follow the same route as everyone else
  9. Staying Wealthy
    1. 87 Shop for quality
    2. 88 Check the small print
    3. 89 Don’t spend it before you’ve got it
    4. 90 Put something aside for your old age – no, more than that!
    5. 91 Put something aside for emergencies/rainy days – the contingency fund
    6. 92 You paid what for it? How to shop around
    7. 93 Never borrow money from friends or family (but you can allow them to invest)
    8. 94 Don’t surrender equity
    9. 95 Know when to stop
  10. Sharing Your Wealth
    1. 96 Use your wealth wisely
    2. 97 Never lend money to friends or family unless you are prepared to write it off
    3. 98 Don’t lend, take equities
    4. 99 You really, really can’t take it with you
    5. 100 Know when/how to say no – and yes
    6. 101 Find ways to give people money without them feeling they are in your debt
    7. 102 Don’t over-protect your children from the valuable experience of poverty
    8. 103 Know how to choose charities/good causes
    9. 104 Spend your own money because no one will spend it as wisely as you
    10. 105 Take responsibility before you take advice
    11. 106 Once you’ve got it, don’t flaunt it
    12. 107 What’s next? Pacts with the devil?
  11. Had Enough Yet…?
    1. From The Rules of Life
    2. From The Rules of Work
    3. From The Rules of Management
    4. From The Rules of Parenting
    5. From The Rules of Love
  12. Imprint

Product information

  • Title: The Rules of Wealth, 3rd Edition
  • Author(s): Richard Templar
  • Release date: May 2013
  • Publisher(s): Pearson
  • ISBN: 9781447929895