Deactivation of Mixed
Oil–Particle Antifoams
During Dispersal and
Foam Generation in
Aqueous Media
It is well known that the effectiveness of hydrophobed silica–polydimethylsiloxane
antifoams in aqueous solutions deteriorates markedly during both use [1–7] and
dispersal as an emulsion [6]. Results of Marinova et al. [7] illustrating this effect
are reproduced in Figure 6.1. Here the time taken for foam collapse after repeated
shake–quiescent cycles of a solution of 0.01 M aerosol OT (sodium bis-octyl sulfo-
succinate) containing ~0.1 g dm
of hydrophobed silica–polydimethylsiloxane anti-
foam is plotted against number of cycles. Antifoam was added neat to the solution
without predispersal. Marked deactivation of the antifoam is observed after 50–60
There is some evidence that this deactivation is apparent with other hydrophobic
particle–hydrophobic oil mixed antifoams [8–10]. It also seems probable that the
prolongation of antifoam effectiveness accompanying increase in viscosity of the
oil [2, 3] concerns the effect of that increase on the process of antifoam deactivation
rather than on the intrinsic effectiveness of the antifoam. Moreover, partial deactiva-
tion of antifoams during dispersal to form emulsions appears to result from the same
cause as deactivation during foam generation [6]. This deactivation is commercially
important because antifoam products for certain applications are often necessarily
prepared as emulsions.
Deactivation is clearly a large effect and can involve complete loss of antifoam
effectiveness after prolonged exposure to foam generation. The evident commer-
cial signicance and apparent generality of this deactivation phenomenon therefore
clearly suggest that it merits detailed study. Indeed, its importance was recognized
by Ross [11] who wrote more than half a century ago that “not enough studies have
been made of the effect of the passage of relatively long periods of time on systems
containing antifoam agents.” It is, however, only in the past 20 years that signicant
attention has been given to this topic.
344 The Science of Defoaming: Theory, Experiment and Applications
In this chapter, we present a detailed review of deactivation of particle–oil anti-
foams, with particular emphasis on hydrophobed silica–polydimethylsiloxane anti-
foams about which most studies have been made. The available evidence suggests
that the phenomenon concerns disproportionation of antifoam drops during pro-
cesses of splitting and coalescence, which occur as the antifoam is either dispersed
or interacts with foam lms. We speculate here about the likely causes of this phe-
nomenon and describe theories that attempt to predict foam volume growth in the
presence of deactivating antifoam.
Hydrophobic oils such as polydimethylsiloxanes can exhibit signicant antifoam
effects even in the absence of hydrophobic particles. The antifoam efciency of such
oils is of course much enhanced by the presence of hydrophobic particles admixed
with the oil. However, the oils alone are known to lose antifoam effectiveness dur-
ing foam generation, albeit more rapidly than is the case with oil–particle mixtures
[3, 4]. It is argued by Basheva et al. [12] that this deactivation may be indirectly
attributed to the relatively high stability of the relevant polydimethylsiloxane–water–
air pseudoemulsion lms in the absence of hydrophobic particles. As we have seen
(see Chapter 4), stable pseudoemulsion lms mean that drops of oil do not have
time to emerge into the air–water surfaces of foam lms before they are swept out
by the draining ux present in those lms. If, however, such drops are sufciently
large (≫10 microns), they may subsequently accumulate in Plateau borders where
the capillary pressure may become high enough to overcome the disjoining forces
stabilizing the pseudoemulsion lms. Drops may then emerge into the air–water
surfaces of the Plateau borders, forming bridging congurations that are unstable [2]
and which lead to foam collapse as we discuss in Section 4.5.3. Continuous agitation
Time for foam collapse (s)
Number of cycles
FIGURE 6.1 Deactivation of hydrophobed silica–polydimethylsiloxane antifoam. Neat anti-
foam (~0.1 g dm
added to 0.01 M AOT solution and subjected to repeated shake–quiescent
cycles). (Adapted with permission from Marinova, K.G., Tcholakova, S., Denkov, N., Roussev,
S., Deruelle, M. Langmuir 19, 3084. Copyright 2003 American Chemical Society.)
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