Do those as well as you can and the WOW feeling will
follow. One final thing from me, because I’m an enthusiast,
and that’s this:
Enjoy your work even when that’s hard and don’t leave
things undone that you ought to do. Just be very active,
very positive, very focused and go for it.
Oh, and remember, be careful out there.
Postscript 2010
This book was originally written in 2007 and published the
following year.
When I was writing it, all was well on the global economic
front (apparently) and penniless Mexican gardeners who were
being persuaded to buy Californian mansions seemed happy
with their lot as did the guys who’d arranged their mortgages.
Then the wheels came off the global economy.
The whole idea of succeeding at work became a lot more
challenging and the bigger issue was whether you had a job
and therefore work at which you could succeed.
People spoke wistfully of the return to normal when it
was clear that there was no stable definition of normal and
that the world had changed forever.
But the lessons in the book remain valid and in revising it
I’ve kept an eye on the context in which success actually can
be achieved now. The key demand is going to be how fast-
footed people can be.
Imagine the next decade as one in which any of the fol-
lowing may happen.

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