Chapter 12
Throwing away the pulp
Even if you think you’re doing fine on the fast track, there are dangers lurking to trip you up. Whether you work in an office environment, a retail outlet or a work site, the traps can be the same, even if they wear different disguises. They’re not always the most obvious problems — some of them might be considered assets under different circumstances. This chapter is all about knowing how to recognise problems — and overcome them.
Remember to harness your positive energy and there will be no such thing as an obstacle!
Handling conflict with your colleagues
At Boost, we place an enormous emphasis on ‘cultural fit’ during employment interviews — and for good reason. It’s not just to save us the hassle of employing a person who won’t fit in; it’s also to save that person the unhappiness of being a square peg in a round hole.
If you are in an environment that isn’t right for you, you will feel isolated. You’ll never know what’s going on, you will never hear about the best opportunities for advancement and going to work will be an absolute chore. If you’re the kind of person who likes peace and quiet, for example, and you find yourself in an open-plan office, full of creative types who like to bandy about ideas, you’ll never be able to show your full potential.
If you’re having a personality clash with one or two other people in a company of a hundred, well, that probably just makes you normal. On the other hand, if you find it tough to name even ...
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