Chapter 2
Josh recalled the previous day’s conversation with his boss as he drove through the entrance to the farm and felt the same knot in his stomach. It would have been easier being fired, he thought. At least the decision would have been made for him. It occurred to him that today, Saturday, was the first day of his two-week vacation before he would have to give an answer to his boss. He would have to make a decision by then, but not today. Today he didn’t want to make any decisions. Today he just wanted to put everything out of his mind and have some fun.
The farm was larger than he’d expected. Giant stalks of corn seemed to grow everywhere along the long, winding road Josh navigated to get to the farmhouse and entrance to the corn maze. He arrived at the farmhouse, parked his car, laid out a blanket for Dharma to lie on for a nap, and cracked the car window for her so she could enjoy the cool October country air. Then he paid for his ticket and ran to greet his friends, who were waiting for him at the entrance to the maze. On his way, he passed a line of people waiting their turn to board a propeller plane to see the maze and the countryside from the air. Not on your life, Josh thought. The only planes I fly are jets with pilots and flight attendants who serve peanuts, pretzels, and drinks.
Josh found his friends, and they exchanged hugs, high fives, and handshakes. ...