The Perspective Crucible
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
Romans 8:18
I think a lot about putting things into the proper per‐spective.
Sometimes it's hard to be honest with yourself when you're locked into your path and your own perspective. Your preconceived ideas can get in the way of reality and make it harder for you to step back from your situation to see things as they truly are.
Can you set aside your pride, your need to always be right, to look at the challenges you face in an unbiased way? That's what you need to do to function at your highest level while building inner trust you can use to base your future actions and decisions.
If you don't, you're only cheating yourself, and ultimately, you're making decisions in the wrong frame of mind. That's a sure path to more difficult challenges and failures down the line.
Perspective requires you to take a step back to fully understand a situation. For example, when you're deep into a Red Zone drive with under two minutes left in the fourth quarter, that's not a good time for perspective.
However, after the game, to improve your performance, you need to take some time and think about how you executed your job. Ask yourself questions and learn how to be brutally honest with yourself. What did you do well? What could you have done better? How could you have been a better teammate? How could you have helped others achieve their peak state when it mattered? ...
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