
Introduction Notes

2 “83 percent of all consumer purchases,” Marti Barletta, “Big Economic Opportunity in Marketing to Women,” Advertising Age, April 2, 2007,

2 “health care-related decisions for their households,” U.S. Department of Labor, General Facts on Women and Job Based Health, (accessed December 2, 2007).

2 “women are where the money is,” Tom Peters and Martha Barletta, Trends (New York, DK Publishing, Inc., 2005), p. 13.

2 “socially conscious investors,” Steve Schueth, “Socially Responsible Investing in the U.S.,” Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 43, Number 3 ⁄ March, 2003, p. 189-194.

3 “32 percent of women volunteer,” “Women ...

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