CHAPTER 9 Twitter: the global brain index
You once went to a library that used the Dewey Decimal System, first on catalogue cards and then in digital databases, to locate information that you could later discuss with family, friends and colleagues. Now you tweet on a topic and then comments and links, including to unpublished research or world-leading experts on that subject, flood in. Not only that, they continue to flow in in real-time, faster than any news service. Twitter is a powerful indexing system for the global brain.
As in real life, so online. There’s a reason I’ve put Twitter up front in the how-to section of this book. If you decide to learn to use only one social media network in addition to LinkedIn, this should be it. (Not that I suggest you restrict yourself to one; the ecosystem is what generates the best results, but I’m being practical.)Twitter is by far my favourite platform and the one I believe is best suited to executives. Twitter puts you at the wheel. You can listen passively or actively, participate a little or a lot. Twitter connects you to news, companies, people who share your values and interests, and cutting-edge information ...
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