Adaptation (strategy), 140–141, 145–146
Afghanistan, War in, 36–37
Agile approaches, 104–105, 107–109, 137–138
Agile development, 108
Agriculture. See Food
Ancona, Deborah, 113
Art, 96
Attraction and power, 115
Autopilot, flying, 29, 41, 108
Backlog, 105
Badiou, Alain, 100–103, 162n13
Barnum, Jeff, 81
Battle making and battle space, 36–37, 118, 123
BDUF (Big Design Up Front), 94, 105, 107
Beck, Ulrich, 1
Bhavishya Alliance, 61–66
“The Birth of the Bhavishya Alliance,” 80
failing early and often, 74–75
initiatives and other results, 81–82
moon shot, 66–71
movement and friction in, 71–74
Big Design Up Front (BDUF), 94, 105, 107
“Birth of the Bhavishya Alliance, The,” ...
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