HCL – Social for HR

Social Media and HCL: How to Engage with 90,000 Employees


This case study will look at how global IT service provider HCL has managed to attract the best talent, and engage with every level of its 90,000 person employee base, through social media. It will offer examples and best practices that can benefit companies of all sizes.

Executive summary


Using a combination of innovative bespoke platforms and widely available networks, HCL has incorporated social media into its core philosophy of “employees first, customers second” (EFCS). This philosophy partnered with the power of social media has helped them to engage with employees in unforeseen ways and has created tangible business benefits.

Key findings

  • An employee exchange that has generated ideas worth millions of pounds.
  • Hugely effective HR policy which focuses on securing the best young talent through social media channels.
  • Helped create an engaged, motivated and innovative workforce.


1. Social media is not an experiment, if you are not putting it at the core of your marketing or people strategy, you're planning is not complete.
2. The CEO of the future will be social savvy.
3. It is critical to leverage your strengths in marketing on social media with employee branding and vice versa.
4. From a small business, to a huge business – the barrier to entry for social media is ...

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