Chapter 19


Cath Sheldon, Online PR Specialist

The Author

Cath Sheldon joined Sage in 2007 as a web copywriter. She then worked as Digital Campaign Manager before her current role as Online PR Specialist, in which Cath has been responsible for driving Sage’s social media strategy and the content of the Sage blog and Twitter feed (@sageuk).


The Company

Sage (UK) Limited is a subsidiary of The Sage Group plc, a leading global supplier of business management software solutions and related products and services.

In the UK, Sage is made up of four divisions: Sage Pay, Small Business, Mid Market and Accountants Division. It provides software and services to more than 800,000 businesses ranging from startups to FTSE 100 companies. This software ranges from accounts and ERP, HR and payroll, forecasting and business intelligence to customer relationship management, e-business and help for startups. Services include Excel support, HR advice, health and safety advice and training courses.

Sage employs more than 2,000 employees in the UK.

Our Social Media Strategy

The overall objective for social media at Sage is to use it to keep its cus­tomers at the heart of the business. To achieve this, Sage ensured from the very start that it had the buy-in of both the customer service and marketing teams.

Once this was achieved Sage identified online influencers relevant to each of its divisions, ...

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