From fossil fuels tosolar power:transforming the globaleconomy
Chorus: | Looking,Listening,For that which is concealedTo be revealed,Before it is too lateTo put outThe first few flickersThreatening Fire. |
Chorus Leader: | Many things may start a fire,But not every fire that startsIs the work of inexorableFate. |
Chorus: | Other things, called Fate to prevent youFrom asking how they happened,Monstrous events,Even the total destruction of a city,Are mischief. |
Chorus Leader: | Mischief that wipes outOur mortal fellow citizens. |
Chorus: | Much can be avoidedBy common sense. |
Chorus Leader: | In very truth: |
Chorus: | It is unworthy of God,Unworthy of man,To call a stupidity FateSimply because it has happened.The man who acts soNo longer deserves the name, ... |
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