The Price Tells the Story

Derald Muniz, @Investor

Derald is among the hardest-working traders on the stream. He truly understands market structure and cycles. Switching from long to short setups is second nature to him. He generously shares ideas and always calls his trades on the stream in real time.

The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.

—Vince Lombardi


In the early 1990s I worked in an information technology (IT) job with several individuals who were very active in stock trading, and they often shared their experiences with me. They were quite a bit older and had a lot to share. This was my first real exposure to the public stock market and all the various moving parts. I was fascinated and certainly curious, but given my nature, I took many baby steps in the education process of understanding how the markets really worked at a fundamental level. I read hundreds of books on the subject.

Initially I paper traded for a long period of time as I educated myself on many of the various chart and tape reading strategies. I recall focusing mainly on bar charts. I spent an enormous amount of time learning about fundamental analysis. I read several hundred 10-K documents during this early decade, often having to study up on various components to better understand what I was reading. This part of my education process was the most time-consuming, but a worthwhile ...

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